
From humble beginnings to great success: the unusual career path of Sandro J. Stadelmann




Sandro J. Stadelmann: Why investors should invest in Dubai real estate now



Wann & Wo

Managing director Sandro J. Stadelmann and sales director Petra Radu report on the new Sat.1 show and the new book project



Vorarlberger Nachrichten

"Mister Immo" shakes up TV documentary



Kronen Zeitung

The self-made real estate entrepreneur Sandro J. Stadelmann and his business partner Petra Radu showcase their Dubai lifestyle and very private insights on television.



Süddeutsche Zeitung

Stadelmann Exclusive: Real estate in Dubai - opportunity or risk?



Saarbrücker Zeitung

Sandro J. Stadelmann Launches Book Project: "Investing in Dubai"




This is how the business with penthouses and villas in Dubai really works


Stadelmann Exclusive - Affordable investment properties in Dubai

Unternehmer Journal

That's why real estate in Dubai is worth it



Falstaff Living

CEO Sandro J. Stadelmann on the real estate market in Dubai

Kronen Zeitung

"Dubai meets Vienna" was the theme of the first DUBAI REAL ESTATE LIFESTYLE NIGHT powered by Stadelmann Exclusive & Mister Immo in mid-June 2022.


CEO Sandro J. Stadelmann and sales director Petra Radu in an interview.



Wann & Wo

"Success through courage, ambition, and discipline."

Servus TV

ServusTV presenter Claudia Maxones meets our CEO Sandro J. Stadelmann for an exclusive television interview in Dubai

Vorarlberger Nachrichten

"Mister Immo" conquers Dubai




Living the Dream: Viennese real estate expert sells exclusive properties in Dubai

Founders Magazin

Mister Immo explains why investing in Dubai property is wohrthwhile

Kronen Zeitung

Artikel über unseren Geschäftsführer Sandro J. Stadelmann und seine Erfolgsstory in Dubai